Our Video Channel
We have begun recording and uploading many of our lectures and other events to YouTube. CLICK HERE to go to our channel.
Lou Reese shares her memories of growing up in Granville.
Interviewed by Sam Schnaidt
Sallie Jones Sexton Shares her Memories of Granville
Sallie Jones Sexton (1912-1998) was the daughter of John Sutphin Jones, the coal and railroad baron who built the Granville Inn and substantially renovated Bryn Du and Monomoy Place. An equestrian and theater impresario, Sallie lived large and and became a local legend in Granville and beyond.
In this talk, Sallie shared many of her memories at a conference in Naples, Florida. Although the video quality is not the best, her humor and personality shine through, and her reminiscences will be fun to listen to for anyone interested in Granville history.
Audio Lectures
“Women, World War I, and the American Century”
On March 27, 2018, the Granville Historical Society presented a lecture on “Women, World War I, and the American Century” by Dr. Megan Threlkeld, Associate Professor of History at Denison University.
The era surrounding World War I marked the first time that U.S. women participated in public life not just as mothers, but as citizens. Women’s activism for suffrage, their participation in the war effort, and their campaigns for international cooperation after the war established precedents for their involvement in U.S. foreign affairs throughout the rest of the century. We will trace the story of that involvement, highlighting the ways in which women have influenced foreign policy and represented the United States on the world stage.
“The Granville Farmers Market: History And Recollections”
On August 9th, 2018, the Granville Historical Society in cooperation with the Granville Chamber of Commerce presented a program for the community in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Granville Farmers Market. The evening’s program included reflections by members of the village who were instrumental in the formation of the market in 1993. Members of the farming community in Licking County who have participated as vendors, and the current Market Master added their perspectives of the Market’s evolution through the years.
Photos of Events
The 2018 Ghost Walk at the Old Colony Burying Ground (Sep. 15, 2018)

The Ghost Walk enables visitors to the Old Colony Burying Ground in Granville to hear from the “ghosts” of the people who are buried there, telling their stories and their role in Granville’s history. The 2018 Ghost Walk featured the work of stone carver Rev. Thomas Hughes (played by Kevin Bennett and Brian Gregory).
Links of Interest
History of the Underground Railroad in Granville, from Columbus Monthly. See also our pocket history (referenced in this article) on the anti-slavery movement in Granville.