Spring Valley Pool in the 1940s
The Historical Society’s Archives now have an important addition to its wealth of data telling Granville’s story.
Recently completed was the Spring Valley Pool Oral History project, funded with the help of a $2,400 grant from the Granville Community Foundation.
With this assistance from the GCF, seventeen interviews were conducted with sophisticated recording technology provided by Jarod Smith, of Columbus, a Denison University graduate.
The interviews were conducted by Chip Gordon, a member of the Roberts-Reeb family that operated Spring Valley Pool from 1933 to its closing in 2004. Chuck Peterson, chair of the Society’s Publications Committee, assisted with the interviews.
The recordings provided to the Society will also be transcribed for both digital and paper copies. Both media will be available to the public for research into this icon of the Granville community for four generations.
Plans are for publication of a Historical Society Pocket History telling the Spring Valley story and its importance to the community.